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French 8th ID

8th ID
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French 8th ID last won the day on February 5

French 8th ID had the most liked content!

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French 8th ID's Achievements


Collaborator (7/14)

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  1. Steve French, checking in.
  2. Pubber Name: Steve French Steam Unique ID: 76561199028943497 Enlisted Full Name: Steve French Recruited by: the homies Previous Units and Ranks: 3rd RB, 8th ID S/Sgt. Reason for Leaving: sabbatical Do you agree to the server rules: Yes Do you agree to the enlistment requirements: Yes Special talents that could contribute to the unit: looking forward to picking up where I left off
  3. rip nate dogg the goat
  4. Name: French Rank: Sgt Interested in leading (Y/N): N
  5. - University of Florida (Go Gators) - Publix Subs
  6. Just realized the audio sucks in the music video so here's the HQ audio if you want to hear the funky bass:
  7. 12 Man: 3te PGD vs. 8th ID
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