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McDowell 8th ID

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Anyone play the demo for this or have this pre-ordered already?

What are your thoughts on it?

I get some Mass Effect/Destiny 2 vibes from it and at the same time a bit of Anthem .. I just really hope it doesn't flop like Anthem.

8th ID Ribbons/Medals


***** COMBAT BADGES ***** CIB-2-1.png pathfinder-1.png


***** UNIT CITATIONS ***** Meritorious-Unit-Citation-1.jpgPresidential-Unit-Citation-1.jpg


***** 2nd ROW ***** Silver-Star-1.jpg

***** 1st ROW ***** Army_Service_Ribbon.jpgBingo-3.jpg Legion-of-Merit-1.jpg


***** OFFICE INSIGNIAS / CHALLENGE COIN ***** challenge_coin.png Personnel-1.png recruiter-1.png operations-1.png


***** WEAPON CHALLENGES ***** thompson_past.pngredrocket_current.png


***** SERVICE STRIPES ***** SS-1-Year.png


Intra-Service Ribbons/Medals


***** 9th ROW ***** Kc88h8p.jpgDTWOTtw.jpg

***** 8th ROW ***** 8FR6Azk.jpgEtM65D0.png32jSMnW.pngogPq3PP.png

***** 7th ROW ***** tb46yaz.pngrOsJSx5.pngOs0TvTA.pngSrf4IPb.jpg

***** 6th ROW ***** JmZm8bW.jpgN1bA3CM.pngeESmWBI.pngz7oMcp1.jpg

***** 5th ROW ***** pQ7QFfR.png1BVAW4O.jpgoUiJNJv.pngHotitLk.png

***** 4th ROW ***** N7oiHBJ.jpgGUje5In.jpgQrfWMpR.pngF230p7L.png

***** 3rd ROW ***** qHlZ37O.jpgRXNui9M.jpgGvLkNQ2.jpgE8CnupD.jpg

***** 2nd ROW ***** giuUofb.jpgKviw5RC.pngNLzprj6.jpgZh3vEL5.png

***** 1st ROW ***** l4me9Bb.pngcqqKC8S.pnghnriSbp.jpghDv6VGt.jpg


"A foil sword doth not a ninja make."


***** BADGES ***** 8BSRfQm.png liY3wVr.pngXLtjtW9.png3lwUXqg.pngtp040eV.pngfCkVAlh.png5pdSqhi.png

BCT Class 117 | Nov 13, 2009

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