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Counting 1, 2, 3.....

Turner 8th ID

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It’s pretty simple, let’s see you far we can count, Rules:

1. You may only count one number at a time

2. You may not count twice

3. So long as the number u are depicting is clear to what number it is, you may be creative with your numbers

4. Only numbers or things representing the numbers may be posted, no extra text or comments

5. If the count is messed up, the count starts over at 1

6. No edits, edits are considered a messed up count and will start over(so make sure you don’t double count with someone)

7. Count by 1s as in 1, 2, 3. No skipping!


These are the basic rules, pm me on discord if you think any should change or be added, otherwise let’s begin!

Edited by Turner 8th ID


~The Bond Between A Father & Son Is Like No Other~

***** COMBAT BADGES ***** CIB-3-1.png


***** UNIT CITATIONS ***** Meritorious-Unit-Citation-2-1.jpgPresidential-Unit-Citation-2-1.jpg


***** 2nd ROW ***** Army-Achievement-2.jpgWorld-War-II-Victory-2-1.jpg

***** 1st ROW ***** European-Africian-Middle-Eastern-CampaigAsiatic-Pacific-Campaign-1.jpgBingo-3.jpg




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2 hours ago, VanDoor 8th ID said:

YOU RUINED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No u did, lordy a mess this quick makes meh wanna cry 😢 


~The Bond Between A Father & Son Is Like No Other~

***** COMBAT BADGES ***** CIB-3-1.png


***** UNIT CITATIONS ***** Meritorious-Unit-Citation-2-1.jpgPresidential-Unit-Citation-2-1.jpg


***** 2nd ROW ***** Army-Achievement-2.jpgWorld-War-II-Victory-2-1.jpg

***** 1st ROW ***** European-Africian-Middle-Eastern-CampaigAsiatic-Pacific-Campaign-1.jpgBingo-3.jpg




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2 hours ago, VanDoor 8th ID said:

How did I ruin it, I went above #1 like I was supposed to.


Or did you mean to count every # and go up, so 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and so on.

added a rule to make more clear, let’s give that another go


~The Bond Between A Father & Son Is Like No Other~

***** COMBAT BADGES ***** CIB-3-1.png


***** UNIT CITATIONS ***** Meritorious-Unit-Citation-2-1.jpgPresidential-Unit-Citation-2-1.jpg


***** 2nd ROW ***** Army-Achievement-2.jpgWorld-War-II-Victory-2-1.jpg

***** 1st ROW ***** European-Africian-Middle-Eastern-CampaigAsiatic-Pacific-Campaign-1.jpgBingo-3.jpg




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10 hours ago, Lanier 8th ID said:


i can’t believe how this is that hard to understand..... Either all of y’all some big old loose sponges or ur messing round, bc this really ain’t all too hard...


~The Bond Between A Father & Son Is Like No Other~

***** COMBAT BADGES ***** CIB-3-1.png


***** UNIT CITATIONS ***** Meritorious-Unit-Citation-2-1.jpgPresidential-Unit-Citation-2-1.jpg


***** 2nd ROW ***** Army-Achievement-2.jpgWorld-War-II-Victory-2-1.jpg

***** 1st ROW ***** European-Africian-Middle-Eastern-CampaigAsiatic-Pacific-Campaign-1.jpgBingo-3.jpg




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