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Garza 8th ID

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Garza 8th ID last won the day on April 11

Garza 8th ID had the most liked content!

About Garza 8th ID

  • Birthday 09/20/1984

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Collaborator (7/14)

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  1. Name: A. Garza Rank: CSM. Interested in leading (Y/N): N. Reserves please.
  2. Frag Me, Frag Me Not - Open Realism 💟 A Special Valentine's Day Event 💟 Save the date to get a date! This open realism is special, just like that special someone! For this day only, you can challenge the other realism leader for "Heart Tags" to be YOUR Valentine! The tags will mark them as your special Cupid target for the entire month of February! So, choose wisely lovers! Disclaimer: No other aspects of this Open Realism are different than normal Friday night open realisms. Please be kind and have fun! For more details reach out to CSM. A. Garza or any other Special Events Coordinator. See you there!
  3. It's awesome so far. Though this last patch was a bit rough.
  4. Hello all, People will say what they say about this controversial game, but ultimately the proof is in the pudding. This game is not released and has been in development for many years. But, if you watch the video below, you can see what the game is capable of already. Some game devs and publishers are probably praying a game of this caliber doesn't come out... See you in the verse, Lt. Lex Talionis {Garzilla} APEX OLYMPUS
  5. Not placed yet in any role. Edit: Bronze 1
  6. Name: Garza/Little Fawn Role: Healer/DPS if needed
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